Stepping Off the Linear Path with Sarah Jefford

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“A friend said to me, what’s your passion, and I said, ‘Oh I don’t know, I’m just bringing in money to pay the bills.’ It got me thinking, why am I doing what I’m doing, if I’m not really enjoying it? Is it just until I do something else?
And if so, what is that, and why can’t I do it now, why do I have to wait?”

Sarah Jefford is a surrogacy, fertility and family lawyer. She is an IVF Mum, an egg donor and a
traditional surrogate, who advocates for positive, best practice surrogacy arrangements within
Australia. Sarah is also an experienced family lawyer and a trained family dispute resolution

What We Cover:

  • The challenge of working from home and putting boundaries in place around work, kids
    and self
  • The Headspace app and importance of meditation
  •  How we identify ourselves in relation to our work, and what happens when work changes
  •  The 9-5 challenge meaning there is very little downtime, and how she actively pursued a
    life with more flexibility, transitioning out of employment
  • Balancing equality of input in a marriage, and making space for men to step up
  • How returning to work after maternity leave can be really good for your confidence
  • How helpful parenting communities can be for providing context around normal behaviour
    for a child of that age
  • Freezing sandwiches to help with school prep
  • The linear path we’re all encouraged to follow, and thinking beyond the traditional path
  • Creating the space for creativity, through journaling, writing down ideas, meditating,
    listening to your inner voice
  • How Sarah sets quarterly goals and mini goals to reach them


We mention some resources throughout the conversation, here is where you can find links to them all!


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