Breastfeeding in Parliament with Larissa Waters

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“We’ve got to support each other; we’ve got to back other women, we need to promote other women, we need to mentor other women, and we need to talk openly about the need for a better sharing of domestic labor.”

Larissa Waters is an Australian Greens senator, representing Queensland. She has a progressive stance on education, health and the environment, is a mother of two, and made front page news when she was the first Australian Senator to breastfeed in Parliament in 2017.

What We Cover:

  • How Larissa made her way to senate
  • The impact of breastfeeding in parliament
  • How Larissa’s life is set up to manage a full career and family
  • How Australian workplaces are structured with regard to supporting families
  • What can people do to change this paradigm
  • The impact of politics on everyone’s lives and how to stay engaged with the political system
  • What arguments can you use to help influence people who are opposed to your viewpoint
  • Gender pay gap


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