Denise Duffield Thomas – Creating Ease in Your Life

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“I think that personal development works in the corporate world because I had no boundaries, I had no sense of advocating for myself. If I were to go back into a corporate job now, I would make sure that every single one of my accomplishments was known by boss.”

Denise Duffield-Thomas helps women create wealth through her mindset courses and practical wisdom on releasing money blocks. She is a self-made millionaire who has done it all while raising three small children, against a backdrop of a life of ease and joy. Denise has written three books, Lucky Bitch, Get Rich Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneur, where she gives a fresh and funny road-map to create an outrageously successful life and business. Her honesty, trademark humor and down-to-earth wisdom make her relatable and engaging while she’s out in the world changing lives.

What We Cover:

  • Creating ease in your life
  • Denise’s Medium article – The Help You Have at Home as a Self-made Millionaire
  • How to make the small steps towards receiving help in your life
  • Dealing with other people’s opinions of parents who have cleaners and nannies
  • Bringing the husband/father into more equal responsibility for home and children
  • How to practice relinquishing control while receiving outside help
  • The importance of accepting help to to create space for creativity and creating joy in your life.
  • How mindset work can help women who are paid employees
  • Creating the perception you want at work to enable promotions and progression
  • Advocating for yourself and for other women at work


We mention some resources throughout the conversation, here is where you can find links to them all!

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