Flexible Working with Valeria Ignatieva

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“We shouldn’t have to settle. You just need to look a bit harder, interrogate people a bit more and you should be choosy no matter what situation you’re in. Even if you’re coming back from a career break, that doesn’t mean you should settle for something that’s below your expectations.”

Valeria Ignatieva is passionate about helping women pursue rewarding careers and co-founded the WORK180 platform to enable women to easily find employers who will value and support them. She started her career in marketing, moved into tech, and volunteered for Females in Technology and Telecommunications (FITT) where she discovered her huge energy and enthusiasm for helping working women. She’s done all this while single parenting a son with special needs, which kick started her passion for flexible work options.

What We Cover:

  • What work 180 does and why Valeria’s passionate about it
  • Equality between men and women in the workplace and in their working remotely
  • How to manage yourself and other people who work remotely and flexibly
  • How to start the discussions around working remotely or flexibly
  • Companies that are at the forefront of flexible working
  • The Still Birth Foundation, and maternity leave post-stillbirth
  • How to come back after you’ve had a career break – the Work180 community, regaining your confidence and how parenting gives you a host of new skills that can be applied at work
  • Girls in STEM, and Work 180’s Super Daughter Day
  • The value of a network in your career
  • The importance of volunteering in feeding your passions and creating opportunities


We mention some resources throughout the conversation, here is where you can find links to them all!


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