Start as You Mean to Go On – Sarah Stores

Have you wondered how to create flexibility in your career and focus your boss’ attention on output, not hours-at-your-desk?

Sarah Stores is the Regulatory Affairs Manager at a large Australian utility, with 15 years of experience in Legal and 6 years’ experience being a mum and managing the juggle. Now she balances part-time work with award-winning book day craft costumes, throwing the best birthday parties of all time and generally being a ton of fun.

In today’s conversation we talk about

  • Starting as you mean to go on, and how Sarah uses that philosophy to leave work at 5pm every day since she first had a baby
  • How bringing au pairs into your family helps grow your village and make your kids happier as they are surrounded by people who love them
  • The required evolution of the workforce – management is still typically a particular demographic while workers’ requirements are changing
  • A practical approach to managing your work perception, leaving in time to care for your children and how to have performance conversations that don’t leave room for them to say flexible work isn’t providing a satisfactory outcome
  • Getting as much help as you can

WomenatWork Podcast

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