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Yolanda Beattie is a leadership and high-performance teams coach and facilitator. She helps clients access deep self-awareness and cultivate a passion for continuous inner growth so they can build high-trust teams that get more done, deliver better results and have more fun.
A career feminist and a personal development junkie, Yo is a close friend of mine. I hope you enjoy this conversation!
In this episode we discuss:
- Women in the investments industry and how capital allocation shapes economies
- Leadership behaviours that create the most successful team outcomes, collaboration and innovation
- Women value being valued and heard, solving problems together, meaning and purpose, and earning good money
- The workplace barriers for women of work intensification, and power and politics
- What makes women feel deflated at work
- How men and women are socialised differently, and the impact on wellbeing and mental health
- The drama triangle, and how Yo brings that into her work and personal life
- Some of the more outrageous stories of women being marginalised that she’s come across in her work
- Flexibility and it’s important role in managing work and caring responsibilities

About Yolanda Beattie
Yolanda Beattie is a leadership and high-performance teams coach and facilitator. She helps clients access deep self-awareness and cultivate a passion for continuous inner growth so they can build high-trust teams that get more done, deliver better results and have more fun.
She founded Yo&Co in 2019 after spending three years leading Mercer’s diversity and inclusion consulting practice and before that, three years leading the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s public affairs team. Her flagship program – Future IM/Pact – unites the investments industry in its efforts to attract and retain diverse talent and create human-centred cultures where everyone can do their best work.