Sally Moyle on shifting gender norms and how men and women spend their time

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Sally Moyle has over 30 years experience in gender equity. She helped introduce paid maternity leave across Australia as part of her work at the Human Rights Commission. She contributed to the HRC’s It’s About Time research into how men and women spend their time – who works, who does the caring, and how government policy still supports a male breadwinner model.

Sally has a lot of energy for gender equality, having already made such an impact on equal rights for women in Australia. I really enjoyed this conversation, and I hope you do too!

(listen out for the interruption half way through by my 10 year old son – the interruptions on working mothers everywhere!)

In this episode we discuss:

  • Sally’s part in introducing paid parental leave in Australia.
  • It’s About Time research and recommendations, looking at how differently men and women spend their time with work and care.
  • The productivity benefits of flexible work, and who really wins when it’s embraced.
  • Who has access to part time work, and what that means for mens’ caring participation.
  • How policy decisions currently support the 1.5 worker model (the man working full time and the woman part time and parenting)
  • ‘Trailing spouces’ at DFAT, and the international opportunities women receive.
  • The seemingly small changes we can make in workplaces that have an outsized effect on inclusion.
  • The long leadership shadow, and the impact of leaders on company culture.
  • Gender responsive budgeting, and having a view to the gender implications of budget and policy decisions.
  • The recent uptick in focus on women’s health.
  • The gender pay gap and what it means.
  • Putting your ‘gender spectacles’ on.
  • What we can each do to align to action and impact the structures that we work within.

About Sally Moyle

Sally Moyle is an Honorary Associate Professor at the ANU, associated with the Gender Institute. Sally has had extensive experience in international development policy and practice, and almost twenty years’ experience addressing gender issues both domestically and in international development. 

Most recently, until August 2019, Sally was the Chief Executive Officer at CARE Australia, and, between 2013 and 2016, was the Principal Gender Specialist and Assistant Secretary with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Sally has been in senior executive roles in the Australian Government since 2008, including DFAT, the Office for Women, and working on Indigenous Affairs and in Disability Care in the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Sally was the Gender Adviser in AusAID between 2006 and 2008.

Prior to joining AusAID in 2006, Sally had senior roles at the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Australian Law Reform Commission and practised as a lawyer.